The Pattern of the Promise | Genesis 25-50The Pattern of the Promise | Genesis 25-50

The Pattern of the Promise | Genesis 25-50

In our series The Pattern of the Promise we are concluding our three part sermon series through Genesis. In this last section of Genesis, we will see the pattern of God’s promise to a people who push against His promise. Despite our foibles and sins, God is faithful to His promise, to and through this people. He’s faithful because he refuses to turn his back on His promises and His people. In fact this is our only hope. God has called HIs people to himself, and at bottom that’s who we are. We are God’s promised people for God’s redemptive mission. 

Join us as we walk through Genesis 25-50. We will see sibling rivalry, cunning stubbornness, parents who play favorites, and in the midst of it all we see that God works through faithful though imperfect Covenant partners.