Why do we give?

The gospel motivates us to give sacrificially and joyfully.

At NewCity, we believe that giving is an act of worship. We do not give to God because he needs it nor to earn his favor - rather, we give to God in response to his extravagant generosity to us in Christ. God owns everything and provides everything according to His will and plan (1 Chronicles 29:11-12, Psalm 24:1-2, Psalm 50:10-11). Since everything belongs to God, our calling is to steward the resources he has graciously provided us. Regular, sacrificial and joyful giving reminds us of and demonstrates to others the truth and beauty of the gospel of Christ, “that though he was rich, yet for your sake became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich” (2 Cor. 8:9). We are givers because we are made in the image of the great Giver who withholds nothing from his children He loves.

How does NewCity give to mercy and missions?

Kingdom Partnerships - In pursuit of our mission to call, form, and send disciple-makers, NewCity has established a number of strategic Kingdom Partnerships with gospel-centered, like-missioned organizations in which we invest 10% of the tithes and offerings we receive in support of local, denominational, and global efforts to advance the gospel and the kingdom of God.

Internal Mercy Fund - NewCity reserves 3% of our tithes and offerings each month to meet the physical and financial needs of the congregants in our church body as well as those who are in direct community and relationship with the church body of NewCity.

How do I give to NewCity?


There is an opportunity each week to worship God through giving during the worship service.


Checks can be made out to NewCity PCA

Mailing Address: 731 Brookhaven Drive, Suite 200 Orlando, FL 32803


Our secure on-line giving allows you to make both one-time and recurring contributions using your credit card or checking account to NewCity. Sign-in to create an account or give as a guest user.


Complex non-cash assets can be donated to support the vision and mission of NewCity through our single charity fund with the National Christian Foundation (NCF).

Non-cash asset contributions include:

  • Appreciated securities - stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

  • Real estate - land, houses, or other properties

  • Business interests - ownership in closely-held businesses, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, or sub-chapter S corporations.

  • Personal property - royalties, copyrights, patents, or precious metals

  • Estate Gifts

  • Life Insurance

To learn more about how to donate a non-cash asset, or for any questions on giving to NewCity contact the Finance Manager, Aaron Angstrom at finance@newcityorlando.com.