A Praying LifeA Praying Life

A Praying Life

At NewCity we believe that all of us need all of Jesus for all of life. To live from this conviction is to orient our entire life toward God. A primary way we experience this Godward orientation is by cultivating a praying life. The praying life embraces dependence upon God, but many of us believe the mature life is an independent life. We often refuse dependence by pursuing more training, security, wealth, and power. But as Charles Spurgeon once noted, “When we depend upon our money, our teaching, our preaching, we get what these can do...but when we depend upon prayer, we get what God can do.”

This is a four-week series on prayer. NewCity desires to be a praying church, and a praying church begins with praying lives. Please join us as we seek to cultivate lives of prayer.