Everyday DiscipleshipEveryday Discipleship

Everyday Discipleship

Everyday Discipleship Slide COMP.jpg

The Christian worldview can be stated in three words: Jesus is Lord. The Bible teaches us that Jesus is Lord of our entire life which is why we must follow him in all of our lives. Seeking to do so is what it means to be whole-life disciples. Yet, we must recognize that Jesus is not the only one claiming power over our lives. There are multiple false kingdoms vying for our allegiance. We live in a world where all areas of our lives are contested. For example, the kingdom of image says, “you are how you appear.” The kingdom of consumerism says, “you are what you have.” The kingdom of success says, “you are what you’ve accomplished.” But the kingdom of God says, “in Christ, you are my beloved child.”

We want to know what becoming like Jesus in all of life looks like. We continue on in the next leg of our journey as we consider following Jesus in the contested territories of worship, work, rest, and justice.

Please join us as we continue to explore the call to become like Jesus through the practices of belonging to Jesus, being with Jesus, and believing Jesus.